Every Chanukah, we light one more candle each night in the 9-branch Chanukkiah. Light Chanukah candles this year in your own Chanukkiah!


  • 10 metal nuts (size 10, but this may vary depending on the thickness of the candle)

  • acrylic paint

  • brush

  • glue

  • 1 wooden slat (approx. 20x4 cm)


1. Glue 9 nuts evenly apart on the wooden slat. Place another nut on top of the middle one (this will be the place of the Shamash candle) and wait for it to dry.

2. Paint with Chanukkiah with acrylic paint, in either a solid color or patterned.

3. All you have to do is wait for the paint to dry and you can use it.